Friday, 4 January 2008

Why those blogs ?

2 Blog Links added...

You may ask why I have the links to the blogs that I have.

Angus Myles (aka Plasticscotsman) is a good friend of mine who introduced me to the joys of mountain biking and has tried to teach me java on a number of occasions. Have a look at Angus' blog for all stuff SOA and other interesting Java related nonsense...sorry... insights ;-)

Simon Ellis (aka Fabricoftechnology guy) is another friend of mine with a Peter Pan like face who never seems to get older or tired of learning new technologies and sharing his insights with the world. Have a look at Simon's just might find the answer to something you always wondered about.

1 comment:

Mark Aitken said...

Both have some really good posts in them, thanks for sharing the link Chris!